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Mountain Range


     Each day we are given the one time to experience that day. What we do and say. How we choose to treat others, how we react, interact, even how we choose to feel. We can decide if this day is going to be a day in which we go through out it proactively or if we go through it just reacting to everything that comes our way. Each day we get ONE chance. Yesterday is behind us and tomorrow is yet to come, all we have is the present moment we are experiencing with ourselves and others.

     My heart has stopped beating ten times and out of those ten times there was once that i wanted it to stop for the last time. Last year I lost my dad and I have survivors guilt because I live with Cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, so it should of been me and not him. My husband broke my heart into so many pieces that it felt like it would stop beating when he decided being married was not what he choose anymore. I have been disappointed by friends, hurt by family, and slighted by love given again; but  I still get to choose a new different experience each day. It is my choice to choose something different then life's hardships, to stay stuck in the things that have caused me pain, to close down from love because love didn't work out how I planned before. Each day I get the chance to choose better, to not look back on those things and to be present in each given moment that is gifted to me on this new day! 

     Right now I am learning and "becoming", through this process I have realized that everything i have been through is a part of my "becoming". If I do not choose everyday to experience new, live from my soul, love more without conditions, fully be who I was created to be and embrace each present moment then all the moments and growing pains that i have grown past will be in vain.

     I refuse to let what i have gone through not result in the predestined outcome that was planned before I was formed in my mothers womb. I refuse to not experience my soul purpose. I refuse to just left life happen instead of FULLY living my gifted life. Who am i to decide that what I am called to do is not important enough for me to do it. Who am I to decide that just because this gifted life has not been what I planned and wanted in to be yet in these forty-five miraculous years that it is not a wonderful life journey to continue to fully experience. There is a bigger picture then what my my small mind can conceptualize, but I want to make sure I stay open minded, have clear vision and an open heart to receive all that this world has to offer and all I can offer back. Each day I will use the time gifted to me to intentionally experience that day to the fullest!


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Words of the Heart

                 I see you, do you see me?

Do you rally take the time to see or are you just looking at the physical me. Can you look beyond the outer beauty and see the true value within me.

                I see you, do you see me?

I see your inner being, some of the things you try to hide. I see the tenderness and kindness of your eyes. You walk around with a thick veil trying to hide some of the deeper parts inside, but those things only go unseen by those that just want to enjoy the shallow things.

               I see you, do you see me?

The things in this world have carved out some of your softer lines, leaving your defensive, angry, hard and hidden inside. Love has been lost and friendship's broke to pieces. Some things you thought we solid turned into liquid beneath you almost draining you completely. 

               I see you, do you see me?

Its not the physical that draws me to you its what I see in your eyes that makes me want to see deeper inside. To understand all of your thoughts, your fears and your dreams, as I support you in all of those things. That is what I seek to truly see. Let me see the heart of you, all the things that make you vulnerable, those are the deeper things for me to see.

               I see you, do you see me?

You don't have to hide or fear that I will handle any of you incorrectly, the connection I seek is one with you spirit, mind and lastly your body! 

               I see you, do you see me?

Open your eyes and you will see past the physical me, open your spirit and you will see all that I see!






Energy Runs the World

     Everything around else vibrates some level of energy and we connect with each of those energies on some level at some time throughout our day. Energy runs throughout our body, we can learn to feel it, control it and direct it if we are really in tuned. The first step in doing any of this is by simply being aware. Be aware of the energy that you have within yourself. It is not always easy, but it is a place to start if you want to make changes within yourself and how you interact with people and things around you. What are you feeling at this very moment? Not just on the surface but take a moment and scan yourself. What do you feel?

     There may be things, places or people that make you feel tense, sad, mad, or just simply uncomfortable. That is because the energy that you feel around them is not on a good vibrational wave with your energy. One of the best ways to become more aware of your own energy and that around you is to be more present in each moment. Do not just go through the motions of your day and the things that you do with other people. We often think that life just happens to us, and we have no control over how we feel about it, but we do. We can make an active choice to change our vibrational wavelength.

     I am in the process of “becoming” who I was created to be and in this “becoming” I am learning so much about myself, things I encounter and other people around me.  Everyone has a different life experience to live, a different journey to take and they are all unique. The more that I understand this the more that I understand it is better for me to be present in my moments with people and not react to my moments with people. When I do this, it keeps my heart open and my defenses down, which in turn creates a space more conducive for energy flow. Again, this is not always easy, but it is worth me learning to master…lol! Energy truly runs the world and if we learn to tune into the energy around us, we can help create the world we want to run! 


Sex Chat

     Let us have a little chat about the thing that so many people seem to avoid chatting about most: SEX!!! Something that can bring so much pleasure, connect two people on a much deeper level, help an individual learn more about themselves and creates life on earth. I myself love to talk about sex, teaching others about it, studying it, learning from others, helping healing trauma behind it, and of course fully indulging myself in it. Personally, I choose to indulge in one person and experience all I can sexually with that person and learning about my own body. Society has come to shame a lot of things surrounding sex and being a sexual person, but there is nothing wrong with fully embracing your sexuality.

     Our connection with our sexual energy within us is an important one and it can strengthen so many other aspects within ourselves. At young ages we are often taught that touching ourselves is wrong, that exploring our body is wrong, but in doing this we are suppressing a natural process of growth. Sometimes the curiosity of sex is what makes us take part in it at earlier ages more than the actual desire to have sex. There are situations when people are taught about sex in the wrong way because the “right” adults in their life are not ready or willing to teach them about sex in the “right” way. In my opinion it is better to give sex a voice, then to act like it is a dirty little secret to find out about at the “right” time.

     Have I always been this way…. No! There was a time in my life where I would get quiet about the subject, when I would shy away from conversations about sex, and even though I never thought of it as being dirty; I did not really think of it as being wonderful. I had my first sexual experience when I was eighteen and I had no idea what the heck I was doing and for years I really did not know what I was doing or what I really wanted done to me. Sex was a pleasure, but it was not always about my pleasure and it sure was not always about me having an orgasm! There are so many aspects in our life that effect our sexual well-being, so it should be obvious that our sexual well-being effects other aspects of our life. I will share here things I have learned over the years through educating myself, talking with men and women of all ages, and helping other women.  Here is to everyone’s sexual happiness and may you all have much luv and plenty of orgasms!!!



Mechelle Denean Ward is a 45-year-old woman in the process of “becoming” whom I was created to be. I reside in North Carolina with my seventeen-year-old son enjoying country living, surrounded by mother nature. For years I have been passionate about helping others be the best versions of themselves. Over the last five years I have taken a deeper dive inward to learn more about the soul that this body holds. I have realized that I am a creator, healer, seeker, a sexual being that carries a life force that is stronger than I even give myself credit to be. I am a mother, sister, daughter, lover and friend, but so much more. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Family and Community Services from East Carolina University and a Masters Degree in Counseling from Capella University. I live with Cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, and have overcome other physical ailments. Who I am is so much more then what I can describe here, but you will come to learn all of who I am in what I share in this blog. I hope you take a “seed” with you, plant it, nourish it and it grows into a part of what makes you; you…as you “become” whom you were created to be.


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Pile of books

The Darkest Child

by Delores Phillips

     This book was a shocking read about the relationship about a mother and her children. The entire time I was reading the book I was waiting for her to get better, but she continued to surprise me by the choices she made. Reading this novel made me think about the reasons we do what we do no matter how bad they make look there is always a deep seeded reason. 



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